As Laura Hale says, helping others “is a relay race. […] Focus on your part of the race.”

Articles and observations (mostly) related to trust, compassion, and community, or to The Plural of You.
As Laura Hale says, helping others “is a relay race. […] Focus on your part of the race.”
Only 1 in 4 Americans now agree that most people can be trusted. What has caused the decline of trust and what can be done about it?
I took a long break from podcasting beginning in 2018. I had some work on myself to do, and I’m in a much better place today.
Reader’s Digest asked me to write a feature on social trust for their June 2018 issue.
This is a story about the difference between kindness and submissiveness, and learning the hard way how to say no.
I had many great moments in 2016, but I’m humbled to have helped one listener bring Christmas Tree Santas to Austin, Texas.
Tough week? If the news lately has you down, this list of 54 subreddits can balance your outlook on world events.